Project name: NeorocKS – Improving quarry sustainability in SIRAČ
Project Promoter: KAMEN SIRAČ d.d.
Partner: International Development Norway As
Dana 30.4.2024. godine završen je projekt „NeorocKS – Improving quarry sustainability in SIRAČ“ te je postignut cilj optimizacije procesa planiranja proizvodnje s novim softverom, smanjenom potrošnjom goriva te ponovnim korištenjem prikupljenog materijala u kamenolomu.
Primjenjivi su očekivani rezultati:
- Increased turnover of the Promoter
- Increased net profit of the Promoter (65% increase in profit in 2025 compared to 2021)
- Applied innovative green processes new to the enterprise
- Increasing the number of employees
- New, innovative green processes applied to the enterprise
Contact person:
- Bruno Duh, direktor financija
- Mob: +385 95 442 0600
- E-mail:
Projekt je podržan sredstvima Norveškog financijskog mehanizma 2014 – 2021, u okviru Programa Business Development and Innovation Croatia.