Stone materials
Stone materials are natural products of different chemical composition (limestone rocks, dolomite rocks) and different granulations (in accordance with customer requirements and the provisions of legal norms), and are mostly used in construction. According to the granulometric division, stone material is classified into two groups of products with the commercial name aggregate and crushed stone.

The commercial name breakstone usually means a stone material of limestone and / or dolomite origin with a granulation of more than 31.5 mm. It is used in civil engineering for backfilling and leveling, for maintenance of railway infrastructure, as drainage, for filling canals and in similar construction works, as well as industry. It is produced from its own raw materials from dolomite deposits in Sirač.

The commercial name of the aggregate on the market means a stone material of limestone and / or dolomite origin with a granulation of less than 31.5 mm used in construction. It is produced from its own raw materials from dolomite and limestone deposits in Sirač.